We Always Thinking About Your Health




The High Blood Pressure

Regression Arthritis


The function of the liver













≤The function of the liver


1) The liver functioned to be disposed of nutrition in the body. (metabolism)

The liver provides nutrition, which is used in the many organization of the body and deals with the outgrowth.  

2) The liver keeps necessary nourishment for the body 

3) The liver makes the bile to help a nourishment absorption in the chapter and functioned discharging to the chapter through a tube of the gallbladder.

 4) The liver works to make a substance, which is necessary for the body.

 5) The liver functions to counteract the various poisonous matters, which are produce from the body.

 The high blood pressure.

The treatment of the high blood pressure.

The life remedy.


1) The meal.

Avoid the food which includes the salt too much and decrease ingestion of sugar.




The Paragon  Health  Food will continue to develop and produce alternate medicine health food.