We Always Thinking About Your Health




The High Blood Pressure

Regression Arthritis


The function of the liver




























≤The  high blood pressure


The  treatment of the high blood pressureThe  life remedy

1)  The meal

Avoid  the food, which is includes too much and excessive sugar adoption

Intake  fresh vegetable and fruits a lot

Do  not drink too much

Drink  the coffee a little


2)  The regular exercise

The  exercise takes effect losing weight, relieve the stress and decrease  


your Cholesterol  rate


3)  Stress dissolution

Always  take enough rest and sleep


4)  Prohibition of smoking

stop  smoking surely for your body.


The  medicines remedy

When  you cant control your blood pressure by the life remedy, you should  take a medicine related to blood



Determine  after the counseling with the doctor.

The  lose weigh is the exercise which takes to decrease a physical load  articulation




The Paragon  Health  Food will continue to develop and produce alternate medicine health food.