We Always Thinking About Your Health




The High Blood Pressure

Regression Arthritis


The function of the liver








































≤ Imbecility 

1. what is imbecility ?

It is a disease that person who functioned normally loses intellectual ability.

Disease which related to damaged brain 

2. The symptoms of imbelcility.

1) memory obstacle.

2) Language obstacle.

3) Space phase lag ability loss

4) Operation ability degradation

5) Personality change, feeling change. 

3. The main disease which causes imbeciltye.

Many people think that imbecility is just kind of disease but imbecility is symptom, so the factor of imbecility diverse like a lot of symptoms

 A brain artery disease

1) convulsinons disease

2) toxicity disease

3) internal secretion disease

4) brain tumor

5) regression disease

The imbecility which is possible to treat

The imbecility can be treated except for a regression disease and can prevent the progress at early stage.

Alzhei mers disease

Lengun who is the American president took the disease.

Brain cells gradually die without reason

The reason is not yet clear

The abnormal of DNA is just the reason of the disease


6. The prevention of a imbecility

The treatment of the high blood pressure.

The treatment of the diabetes.

The check of the cholesterol.

The prohibition of smoking







The Paragon  Health  Food will continue to develop and produce alternate medicine health food.